9 Tools to help you become a better Technical Writer (2022)

 9 Tools to help you become a better Technical Writer (2022)

These are the tools I use every time I create a written piece of content Check them out below

1️⃣ The Hemingway App Hemingway is a writing and editing tool that helps you improve your writing. The application enables you to identify and fix: • common grammar mistakes • lengthy sentences • over-use of passive voice • weakening phrases 🔗 hemingwayapp.com

2️⃣ Headline Analyzer Writing effective article titles is crucial because they influence whether people will read your article or not. The Headline Analyzer application is an excellent tool for writing effective headlines. 🔗 https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer

3️⃣ Quillbot Quillbot is an AI tool that allows writers to rephrase, enhance and improve their texts. • shorten sentences and make them more concise • find synonyms and antonyms for words • make the text more creative • fix grammar mistakes 🔗 quillbot.com

4️⃣ Capitalize My Title There are multiple styles, guides, and rules on capitalizing titles and headlines depending on where you publish the content. The primary capitalization styles are as follows: • APA • Chicago • AP • MLA 🔗 capitalizemytitle.com

5️⃣ Title Generator You might struggle to come up with good article ideas. The title generator application can help you with ideas. All you need to do is enter the article topic, and the application generates a variety of titles for you 🔗 tweakyourbiz.com/title-generator

6️⃣ SEO Writing Assistant The Writing Assistant is an excellent tool that helps you improve your content from all aspects. By using the tool, you can create content that is SEO optimized, original, and enjoyable to read. 🔗 semrush.com/swa/

7️⃣ Grammarly Grammarly is one of the most popular writing assistants, and it helps you with: • grammar • spelling • punctuation • clarity • engagement • delivery Grammarly acts like an assistant who proofreads your work. 🔗 grammarly.com

8️⃣ HackMD HackMD is a collaborative Markdown editor. You can write articles and share them with other people for feedback. It's great for sharing your articles and getting feedback from others. 🔗 hackmd.io

9️⃣ Copyscape Copyscape is an online plagiarism checker. It's good to use it to make sure your content is not too similar to other pieces of content. You can also use it to see the websites that plagiarised your content. 🔗 copyscape.com

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credit: Catalin Pit
