What is Phygital Marketing? Everything you need to know about this forward-thinking strategy.

 What is Phygital Marketing?

What is phygital marketing? Nope, it’s not a typo. This is a real thing. And I'm going to define it for you

Phygital marketing is when a company's offline (physical) and online (digital) marketing efforts are combined to deliver the seamless experiences that customers expect.

In other words, phygital marketing blends the best features of an in-person purchasing experience with the ease of internet commerce to create sensory and functional consumer journeys in today's environment.

Have you ever utilised a retailer's mobile app to do product research, monitor inventories in your region, or place an order for in-store pickup? Have you ever been in a store and used a smartphone app to scan QR codes and save things to a wishlist for later purchase?

If that's the case, you've engaged in phygital marketing. However, the fact is that many businesses are employing phygital marketing in even more sophisticated and efficient methods.

Why is Phygital Marketing Important?

Phygital marketing has several advantages. For example, once you've implemented this plan, you'll be able to give better customer service and improve sales for your business. Let's look at each of these benefits in more detail:

Better Customer Experiences

Consumers in today's world are fickle. Some of them like shopping at stores. Others choose to shop online and have their purchases delivered to their homes. Nonetheless, there are occasions when in-store customers visit ecommerce sites and online customers visit physical stores.

This is supported by the evidence. Take a look at the following figures:

63 percent of individuals begin their purchasing journey on the internet. However, 49 percent of Americans prefer to purchase at traditional retailers.

Before speaking with a sales assistant, 82 percent of customers will use their mobile devices to read product reviews and locate better offers once inside a physical store.

You can provide each of your consumers the purchase experience they want, when they want it, with phygital marketing. As a result, sales will rise...

More Sales and Revenue

More sales and income are generated as a result of improved customer experiences. It's only natural. People will buy from you more frequently if they appreciate it.

During the COVID-19 epidemic, this was never more true. Retailers who provide simplified in-store purchasing processes, or even better, quick curbside pickup options, have fared far better in the present situation.

Companies that deliver purchase experiences that combine physical and digital features will drive greater income even after the coronavirus has been eradicated for good.

How to Develop a Phygital Marketing Plan

Creating a physical marketing strategy is one of those easy/hard tasks...

It's simple since you only have to go through three stages to get your plan up and running. But it's difficult since, depending on your firm, completing the three processes might require a substantial amount of time and resources.

Even yet, establishing a successful phygital marketing strategy can only help your company in the long run. This is how you do it:

1. Know Your Customers

First and foremost, you must get to know your clients. If it appears like we discuss this topic frequently on our site, that's because we do! You can't properly sell your business until you know who you're talking to.

Conduct market research, examine your website and social media data, and send polls and surveys to your consumers. Make every effort to learn more about them.

You'll want to check for demographic facts such as your target audience's gender, age, geographical location, and income level, as well as psychographic elements such as their ambitions, objectives, goals, and everyday struggles.

You probably already have this information if you've established buyer personas for your business. If you haven't already done so, now is the time to do so! It will help you with all aspects of your marketing.

2. Identify Your Goals

Next, consider what you hope to accomplish by employing a phygital marketing plan. Improved brand recognition? More sales, perhaps? Higher levels of engagement?

You'll be able to pick the correct methods and strategies to attain your goals once you've defined them clearly. You'll also be able to identify measures to track your progress. Let's look at an example to show how important objectives are.

Assume you own an online cosmetics store that sells lipsticks, mascara, and other cosmetics through an ecommerce website. You want to showcase your brand to a new group of people, so you decide to build a pop-up shop (more on pop-up stores below). Every visitor to your pop-up will receive a one-of-a-kind discount coupon that can only be used online.

You select to measure the number of online sales made using the unique code and the amount of income produced by your pop-up to determine the strategy's effectiveness.

You won't be able to know if your efforts are successful unless you have a specific aim in mind.

3. Create Amazing Experiences

You can now develop great phygital marketing experiences that please both your consumers and the objectives you're attempting to achieve by combining what you've learned about them with the goal(s) you're seeking to attain.

Your choices are practically limitless... But, no matter what type of physical + digital experience you want to create, here are a few pointers to get you started:

The Five Senses: Retailers may use in-store shopping experiences to appeal to all five senses. Make sure your physical shop looks great, smells good, and your things can be touched, held, and/or tried on. Pay close attention to the music you play over the loudspeakers, since it might help to establish the tone for your adventure.

Human Connection: While online purchasing is easy, it sometimes lacks the human touch that many customers need. With on-call sales colleagues, curbside pickup choices, and video shopping, i.e. video conversations with in-store sales associates, use phygital marketing to bring this back into your shopping operations.

Total Convenience: Make your phygital marketing activities as convenient as possible. Customers will shop someplace else if navigating your store's app, finding in-store personnel, finding the curbside pickup spot, and so on is tough.

We can't tell you exactly how to develop a physical marketing experience. It is entirely dependent on the kind of your organisation, your consumers, and your objectives. However, if you keep these three suggestions in mind when creating your approach, you'll have a better chance of succeeding.

3 Phygital Marketing Examples

You've almost certainly witnessed phygital marketing in action. Many of the world's most well-known businesses are starting to participate. To get you started, here are a few examples:

1. Pop-Up Stores

Pop-up stores were discussed briefly before. But let's delve a little further...

A pop-up store is "a short-term, temporary retail environment where brands—usually those without a physical presence—can connect in person with current consumers and express their message to prospective new ones," according to Shopify.

Pop-ups can resemble traditional shops. Retailers, on the other hand, frequently employ them to create one-of-a-kind experiences that customers won't find anywhere else.

Sonos, a high-end speaker maker, teamed with Google to produce The Brilliant Sound Experience, which is a fantastic illustration of this. Customers may physically experience music through light displays in the pop-several up's sound-proof chambers.

Pop-up shops can be seen at shopping malls, festivals and conventions, and public markets.

2. Product Samples

For what seems like an eternity, product samples have been used to promote businesses.

You may try the potato salad at the deli before you buy it at any grocery store. Samples of fragrances and other cosmetics are very common at beauty stores.

This might also be a fantastic phygital marketing opportunity for your company! On your website, for example, you may advertise free samples. Customers may also receive an in-store discount voucher when they receive the samples in the mail.

Perfect Day employs "plants and fermentation processes to make animal-free dairy products," which is one of the most noteworthy instances of this concept.

When the vegan ice cream was first made available in actual stores, it swiftly sold out. Instead of replenishing, Perfect Day employed internet marketing strategies to sell the ice cream's technology to larger makers and distributors.

3. Augmented Reality

The use of augmented reality (AR) has exploded in popularity. In fact, many of the world's most successful companies use it as part of their digital marketing plans.

Take, for example, Target. The app of the retail behemoth has a "See it in Your Space" function that allows users to use augmented reality to sample how furniture would look in their own homes. That way, they'll know if particular pieces will fit in their areas before they go to the store and buy them.

For the past few years, MAC, a well-known cosmetics brand, has experimented with smart mirrors in certain storefronts. Customers may "try on" various cosmetic items before purchasing them using AR technology in the mirrors. A comparable functionality is now available on the MAC website.

Boost Your Business With Phygital Marketing

Phygital marketing is a novel and interesting prospect. Your company will be able to better serve its clients and increase revenue by merging in-person and internet purchasing habits into one seamless experience.

Study your target population and determine your goals to create an effective phygital marketing plan for your organisation. Then put them to work creating memorable client experiences.

Thank you for reading!

credit: Cleanpix
