9 Free Tools for NFT Trader

9 Free Tools for NFT Trader

Non-fungible tokens are changing the way we own things digitally. Find the list of top 10 Tools that NFT traders use to mint NFTs.

1. gwei.at

- Checking gas fees for activities on marketplaces

2. nftnewspro.com/ nftevening.com

- Keep you up-to-date with the NFT trend - Trending on category: MusicNFT, Collectors, Arts, etc.

3. icy.tools

- Portfolio management - NFT market cap (like coinmarketcap but for NFT) - Custom alert, watchlist... - Trending in the given interval(15m, 1h, 24h...)

4. nftinspect.xyz

- PFPs stats: Don't pass through this indicator It represents the collection's popularity - Community power ranking. The higher community score the hyper the collection is.
- Ranking NFT Twitter profiles

5. raritysniper.com

- NFT data cross-chain - Ranking NFT by a score that helps you price your NFT - Traits statistics

"What is an NFT? and Why you should buy NFTs?"

6. uniq.cx

- Evaluate how effective the project is by: Never sold since mint % Paper hands % Floor walls

7. cryptoscores.io

- Update minting calendar You can keep an eye on this board and track which trend is popular

8. dune.com

- Free NFT data dashboard: This will help you evaluate whether to put any investment or not - Analytics for everything -Create your own dashboard

9. gem.xyz

Best aggregator with excellent UI/UX Gem help you: - Looking for which NFT is being swept - See all marketplaces that list the collection - See trending mint - Sell on all market

Hope this blog will help you in your investment pathway. Please share it so that all newcomers in this fast-moving space can benefit as well

That's it, thanks for reading! If you're interested in learning more about Web3, NFT, Blockchain and Crypto, be sure to follow me -
